Concerns Regarding Urination and Defecation
Stress Incontinence- How to prevent leakage when you cough, sneeze or lift objects by enhancing pelvic floor awareness, speed and strength.
Urge Incontinence- Practices from yoga, qigong and feldenkrais to calm an overactive bladder.
Urinary Hesitancy- Learn to relax everything in the pelvic region that can inhibit urination
Constipation- pelvic floor relaxation, breathwork to enhance motility and self-massage to get out of the constipated pattern.
Holistic Physical Therapist treats urinary incontinence, urinary hesitancy and constipation, house calls/home visits in Manhattan. Bill Can provide internal manual therapy if necessary, but finds most patients are able to work through these concerns with a relatively non-invasive, trauma aware approach to working with the pelvic floor.